We prepare our first voluntary ESG report. What does this 3 letter acronym stand for? Environment, Social, Governance.
We, at Pureco committed ourselves to develop our company according to these aspects and change our world step by step into a greener and healthier planet. What was the final motivation to prepare such a report?
On 30 March 2023, the Budapest Stock Exchange Zrt. ( BSE) qualified our application "ESG Pilot - Consulting Program at PURECO Ltd." submitted in response to the call for applications "ESG Pilot - Consulting Program at PURECO Ltd." published on 17.01.2023 as eligible for funding.
The BSE has been awarded a grant under the GINOP-1.1.7-17 "Increasing the efficiency of the SME sector, primarily by providing measures for stock exchange listing", under the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (GINOP), call for proposals GINOP-1.1.7-17-2017-00001. It launched its Call for Proposals under this grant.
Our application, entitled "ESG Pilot - Consultancy Programme at PURECO Ltd.", GINOP-1.1.7-17-BÉT-6-022, is eligible for a grant of HUF 12,600,000, i.e. twelve million six hundred thousand forints, after a positive evaluation.
Our project is due to be completed by 31.05.2023, whereby we will start thinking based on ESG principles in our company and prepare our first pilot project. This is a clear commitment to sustainability as an SME on a completely voluntary basis and will identify the key focal points for the project, which will serve as a basis for a more detailed sustainability report.